Mauro Benetti's Portfolio

This is a collection of my personal Data Science projects. Here you will find a wide variety of topics, from Ai, ML and NLP to Electronics and IoT!

  • All Categories
  • EDA & Visualization
  • Industrial IoT
  • Data Science
  • NLP & NLU

Dinamic visualization for your webapp

(Made with Streamlit, 2022)

Learning about Bert by doing

(Made with Bert and Jupyter Notebooks, 2022)

Bert implementation for contract analysis and clause extraction

(Made with Transformer Bert, Streamlit, 2022)

CI/CD for Data Science

(Made with Github Actions, 2021)

DS at the command line

(Made with Bash script, 2021)

NLP Sentiment Analysis Handbook

(Made with TextBlob, NLTK, Scikit-Learn, and LSTM, 2021)

NPL as a MicroService

(Made with Doker, 2020)

Industry 4.0 PdM use case

(Made with Jupyter Notebook, 2020)

NLP as a Service

(Made with Streamlit, 2020)

COVID-19 Dataset Analysis

(Made with Python and SpaCy, 2020)

Rossmann time series forecasting

(Made with Jypyter following CRISP-DM, 2019)

Analytics in IoT

(Made with Docker, 2019)

Library for interactive dashboards

(Made with Plotly, 2019)

Micropython para IoT devices

(Made with Jupyter, 2020)

Photo credits: Unsplash and Pixabay
Mauro Benetti

about me

I have a Master in Industrial Engineering and a Master in BI & Analytics, I have been in Tech for +10 years in a number of different countries and multicultural environment. I work as a Consultant in Data Science and Business Analytics and I use SAP, Azure and Open Source tools to build solutions for business problems.

Some of my previous positions required leadership skills and some of them required solid technical background. I have strong communication and management skills, and I feel comfortable working independently, but I also enjoy very much being part of a motivated team of smart people.

My experience includes successfully working in complex projects and big implementations, many times in uncertain and ambiguous environments.

Profile Website

My competencies are in the following areas :

Data Engineering:

SQL and NoSQL Data Base Systems, Microservices and API development, Cloud Technologies Microsoft and SAP, Streaming analytics, Communication protocols

Machine Learning:

Supervised Learning, Time Series, Recommendation Systems, Classification and Regression, Clustering and Anomaly detection

Deep Learning:

Image recognition, Object detection, Semantic Text Analysis and Entity Recognition, Text Summarization,

Data Analytics:

EDA Exploratory Data Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Feature Engineering, data preparation, data visualization, storytelling

Software packages:

Bash, Linux, Github, Python, R, Knime, DataIku, RapidMiner, Weka, Orange, Rust.

Mathematical optimization:

Operational Research, Linear and Nonlinear algebra, Probability theory, Mathematical Modeling, Advanced Calculus and Algebra, Montecarlo simulation.

Software and tecnologies used in my projects

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